Grow Your Business
In this 3-month program for business owners you will work 1-on-1 with me to smash mental blocks, spike revenue, and love your work again!
Maybe you're making only a millimeter of progress in 100 different directions, and no matter what you try, clients don't seem to notice.
Perhaps you feel like the janitor of B.S. Mountain, with a daily calendar full of nauseating grunt work, "have-tos", and fires to put out. Do you feel like you can never "switch off"?
The limit on any business is always its leader. I will help you root out the mental blocks and saboteurs that are keeping you stuck in mediocre results.
In this program we will clarify your vision so that your ideal clients throw money at you. You will reconnect to your purpose so you can love your work again. And you will get control of your time to create more freedom and joy in your life.
"The chokehold on the growth of any business is the psychology and skills of the leader."
— Tony Robbins
I Was There
Building 6 businesses over 18 years, I've made pretty much every mistake there is.
There was a time when I tried to do copywriting, web design, customer service, tax accounting & bookkeeper, social media promo & ads, and research & analytics for my business—all in the same week.
I was burnt out, miserable, and my financial results showed it. The stress created problems in my personal life.
There were also times when work flowed, but I lost my purpose.
I stopped working "in" my business, and started working "on" it. I stopped working 24/7 and focused only on a vital few goals.
Results skyrocketed and so did the fun.
Today I focus on a thriving coaching practice where I help entrepreneurs break their mental blocks, spike revenue, and work with joy.

"When you feel like you’re not productive, it’s not necessarily because you’re lazy or because you have bad habits, it’s because you’re not working on the right projects and you haven’t found the ones that are intrinsically motivating and meaningful to you.”
— Adam Grant"
How This Program Works
Book a free 30-minute consult. We'll discuss your business and struggles, and decide if we're a match.
Our first discovery call is a live, 1-on-1 deep dive into your belief systems and your business operations.
This program includes mid-week email check-ins and emergency calls as needed.
I'll coach you for 3 months or more to break mental blocks, clarify vision, find balance, and love your work again.
We'll meet virtually every 2 weeks to focus on specific actions you'll take. Get ready for assignments!
You'll graduate coaching with a more profitable business, and tools to KEEP growing it.
Our Work Together May Include:
Improving your beliefs as the company's leader—discovering your hidden blocks, overcoming self-sabotage, and letting go of unhelpful habits.
Clarifying or reconnecting to a VISION that excites you and your clients.
Setting healthy boundaries on your workload that will multiply your productivity.
Revisiting your unique value proposition so that you can sidestep competition.
Dissecting your calendar and habits to refocus you toward ONE primary goal.
Installing new business systems to automate tasks and free you up for Great Work.
Increasing your conversion rate, repeat customer rate, and average order value.
- Implementing new financial controls to create a clear picture of true profits.
Simplifying your marketing efforts and doubling down on what's working.
Widening the delta between your costs and what you can charge clients.
Book a Call now
My Guarantee
If you don't increase your business revenue by the end of this program, I'll coach you until you do, at no extra cost to you.
"Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming "Wow! What a Ride!"
—Hunter S. Thompson
Want to Learn More?
Results you can Expect
In this program you will...
Stop working "in" your business, and start working "on" it.
Remember why you started this business, and reconnect to your passion for it.
Regain control of your time and enjoy the freedom that only entrepreneurship can offer.
Build your business based on your true mission and calling—in a way that the world needs.
Increase revenue, and ensure that your business works even while you're not there.
Feel proud of yourself and your accomplishments.
Unlock your unlimited power and potential as an entrepreneur and human.
Move toward your life's purpose and love your work again.
Get out of your own way. Stop pressing the gas & brakes at the same time.
Learn how to live each day with passion!
stop struggling
Without coaching?
You may stay stuck producing lackluster business and financial results. Wake up each day dreading the mountain of crap that you have to deal with. Remain disconnected from your purpose. Burn yourself out with long hours that feel meaningless. Start to resent your clients, and drive new ones away. Watch the days and weeks turn into unfulfilling years. Push your business up a hill, and allow the stress to demolish your body, mind, and relationships. Turn to alcohol or drugs or TV or gaming to escape from dreaded reality. Fail to create a passive side-income. Serve the business, rather than letting it serve you. Fail to change the world through your work. Fail to create mastery over your time and your finances. Try to do it all yourself and create a business that doesn't work, then wonder for years, why? Continue to feel unworthy and demoralized... Hopeless. Live the same year over and over. Stay disconnected from others, life and yourself. Remain bored and joyless, leading a dull and drab life. Let work equal drudgery, and feel like endless toil. Be fearful and scared of life. Do nothing to ameliorate suffering in the world, and allow the world's problems to grow.
But that's not you, is it?
Your Transformation
Through this program you will move from being a business operator to being a business owner...
From making a millimeter of progress on 100 fronts, to making quantum leaps on key goals...
From dreading your work, to waking up eager to tackle the next adventure...
From being unclear on what to do next, to becoming the keeper of a crystal-clear vision...
From attracting problem customers, to working only with your ideal client, and creating raving fans...
From boredom with daily life to the chasing your best life...
- From feeling like you are not enough to realizing that you had unlimited genius and power all along...
- From living on autopilot to approaching each day consciously...
And from doing little to improve the world, to putting a positive dent in the Universe!
What My Clients say
"Working with Mike was one of the most transformative experiences of my life. Mike showed me how to live the life I always imagined. To do this he provided the correct tools, constructive but challenging thought process and how to be more empowered. I would highly recommend anyone looking for more structure and support in life to work with Mike."
—Oeishi Bhattacharjee
"Working with Michael has been one of the most insightful and momentous experiences of my life... Michael helped me uncover and understand things about myself that have always existed within me but were never found. Michael's approach to even the most difficult situations has guided me to develop a fresh and positive outlook towards all facets of life... Michael often draws from his rich set of personal and professional experiences to articulate a point, which I have found to be very useful. I would highly recommend this personalized 12-week program for anyone who is interested in and committed to becoming the best version of themselves.”
— V. C.
"From my initial consultation with him, I was struck by Michael’s emotional intelligence and his ability to get me to open up. When we started our sessions, I discovered a coach who was not only a gifted listener but also a pragmatic strategist who was committed to helping me achieve my goals. After 12 weeks that flew by, I feel more focussed, more confident and more hopeful about my future than ever before. If you are looking for a coach who is a personable, insightful and caring leader, I cannot recommend Michael highly enough."
— Daphne Boxill